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Wednesday, December 28, 2022

drishti current affairs magazine English

drishti current affairs magazine English

drishti current affairs magazine English This article was published in the month of October CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISSION (CAC)  Recently the Codex Committee on Spices and Culinary Herbs (CCSCH) has finalized and recommended quality standards for nutmeg saffron chilli-peppers and paprika and forwarded these proposed standards to the Codex Alimentarius Commission. o The Codex Alimentarius is international food standards guidelines and codes of practice contribute to the safety quality and fairness of this international food trade. o These food standards guidelines and codes helps on Protecting Consumer Health and Removing Barriers to Trade  Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) is the body responsible for all matters regarding the implementation of the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and WHO Food Standards Programme. o Membership of the Commission is open to all Member Nations and Associate Members of FAO and WHO which are interested in international food standards. o The Commission meets in regular session once a year alternating between Geneva and Rome and works in the six UN official languages.  About CCSCH o It is a committee under CAC to elaborate worldwide standards for spices and culinary herbs. o India is the host country for Codex Committee on Spices and Culinary Herbs (CCSCH) drishti current affairs magazine subscription.

drishti current affairs magazine English

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