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competition wizard magazine

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

General Knowledge Refresher

General Knowledge Refresher

General Knowledge Refresher Published this article page no  130 BOESENBERGIA ALBOLUTEA & BOESENBERGIA RUBROLUTEA These two species of plants are now Extinct in the Wild (EW) under IUCN which were discovered around 125 years ago. Boesenbergiarubrolutea was endemic to Khasi HillMeghalaya while Boesenbergiaalbolutea was endemic to Andaman Island. o Classified under the genus Boesenbergia, the species belong to the family Zingiberaceae, the ginger family of flowering plants. Possible reasons for their disappearance include climate change, human interference and overexploitation, or natural calamities. 5.6.8. CANARY BLACK BEE About 50 days after Cumbre Vieja volcano in the Canary Islands erupted, tens of thousands of bees were found alive inside hives that had been covered in volcanic ash. 66Honeybees use propolis (a resin like mixture sometimes known as bee glue), produced from substances they collect from plants and buds, to plug tiny gaps in hive from gases of the volcano. Generally, propolis is used by honey bees to protect it from rainwater and drafts General Knowledge Refresher buy.

General Knowledge Refresher

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