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Friday, July 23, 2021

banking service chronicle pdf november 2019

 banking service chronicle pdf november 2019 

banking service chronicle pdf november 2019 published this article Then you go to the Pentagon and they say the decisions are being made in Baghdad. Only Halliburton is making money now he told New Yorker. Is there too much cronyism I just wish I could find the cronies Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.   In July 2005 ODwyers PR Daily Reported that Lincoln Group had retained the services of BKSH.  This was after Lincoln Group had been retained by the  United States Special Operations Command to wage psychological warfare on behalf of the Pentagon in Iraq and other hot spots. Wondering what OTHER HOT SPOTS and also wondering why it is today that the Pentagon cannot find any one to go up to the Hill to speak to Congress claiming they cannot find any one who knows anything about the leaked stories.  In yet another odd twist to this whole story BKSH claims they have experience in Iraq from work done for…are you ready for this….Ahmed Chalabi and his Iraqi National Congress. As they say this story keeps getting curiouser and curiouser. banking service chronicle pdf november 2019 banking services chronicle review Published this article page no   It was the major question on my mind. I was looking forward to putting the notion on the table. I wanted to canvass a representative cross section of folks who are members and organizers of the Free State Project <A target=blank><A> and live in the state of New Hampshire. I got the chance to see New Hampshire and mingle with the local FSPers on Friday August 5th at a barbeque thrown by Margot Keyes the FSP Welcome Wagon Coordinator. It was wonderful to find myself in the middle of a crowd that valued individual Freedom as much as I do. These are the kind of people who walk their talk. Theyve pull up their stakes packed up their families and moved across the country to live in a tiny little burg on the East Coast simply because they hunger to be...FREE Think about that for a minute  people in America are picking up and moving somewhere else because they want to be FREE I know that feeling well. Im one of those people that feel the chains of oppression quickly tightening around the throat of Lady Liberty. And I will be moving to New Hampshire in the spring of 2006. Im in the middle of shifting my livelihood from a militarygovernment based career to a private practice in transpersonal hypnosis. Ive been eager to see New Hampshire for a long time now. And in view of everything going on with the acceleration of draconian police powers in this country since 911 Ive been eager to corner the locals here and pop the question. This is what Ive wanted to know if terrorist nukes go off in this country the next 911 and the White House makes good on its new love affair with coasttocoast martial law  how will New Hampshire react Will the New Hampshire state legislature play ball Will they march lockstep with all the other state governments down the primrose path to the New World Order Or will they keep their cools Will they refuse to recognize the Feds authority to place New Hampshire under martial law Which way will this tiny rascally New England state sway Everybody I presented this scenario to didnt hesitate to offer their opinion on what the outcome of such an event would be. New Hampshire will tell the Federal Government to go pound sand. And that was music to my ears. The words freedom and America have become an oxymoron when combined together for no longer are the one synonymous with the other. Freedom is a buzzword politicians use to describe a cascading consolidation into collectivist tyranny that more resembles Orwellian doublespeak than accurate communication. I have spent the last 18 months living in Arlington Virginia and working in the Pentagon at the Army Operations Center in support of ONEOIFOEF. Ive spent my off time venturing into the District of Corruption to observe the national monuments take in the Smithsonian and quietly...keep an eye on the emerging Total Surveillance Society. Honestly I couldnt spit in any direction anywhere in this town and not hit some cop in a Darth Vader uniform toting an MP5 or a surveillance camera or both. I was sitting on the waterfront in Georgetown with friends I work with from Crisis Action Team 4 it was early on a Friday evening in June and the sky was literally swarming overhead with police helicopters  not Bell Jet Rangers no. These cops are flying military Blackhawk helicopters with POLICE in yellow lettering on the tail boom. The establishment we were at was a very popular gathering spot for the Beautiful People in D.C. There were several private yachts tied up to the pier the money and booze was flowing the women looked like extremely highpriced call girls or Hollywood actresses  there really isnt a difference anymore. They were all laughing and laying that plastic phony friendship act on each other and they were all completely oblivious to the obvious. There are surveillance cameras everywhere watching them. Military hardware was orbiting overhead manned by cops with gunners standing in the open doors. On the river extremely high powered speedboats with POLICE painted prominently on both sides of the hull race up and down the waterway with cops and machine guns eying everyone and everything like a target like raw meat. And these people on the waterfront in their trendy clothes and fake tans were partying. The Police State is no longer an event that might transpire in the near future. It is here now. banking services chronicle review

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