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Friday, July 23, 2021

banking services chronicle practice set

 banking services chronicle practice set

banking services chronicle practice set Published this article page no   CONSPIRACY intrigue bribery and influence that may go clear up the ladder to Presdient George Weak Bush Lincoln Group seems to have it all.  A company that seems to have materialized from out of the mist snags major DOD contracts including one for a 100 million dollars in psyhops work.  Included on their board is Christian Bailey and Andrew Garfield who seems to be a man of many IMPORTANT hats including a media darling talking head with strong ties to both the Republican conservative think tanks and 10 Downing Street.  How did a company started by two 30 somethings men have such a meteoric rise how did they get Andrew Garfield on their board and even more importantly why in the blink of and eye did three of their board members dissappear over night Furthermore how is this company being able to make their trail on the Internet dissappear…several pages on the Internet have simply vanished since this whole Pentagon planted story scandal has hit the press. These Three people were listed as key members of the board on Lincoln Group website two days ago but have not vanished. Huy Kameron Hoang  Director Lincoln Innovation Lab James Sutton  Country Manager Iraq Brian Swift  Project Manager IBC The press so far seems to be deliberating steering away from any serious investigation of Lincoln Group though there seems to be plenty of areas ripe for the harvesting of a major story.  As mentioned in other areas of this blog Christian Bailey was listed as being intimately involved in the 2004 Republican Party National Convention held in New York City.  Christian Bailey was a FOUNDING member of Lead 21 a fast moving group of young wealthy republicans yet in the past two days any mention of him has simply VANISHED from their website.  It should be mentioned here that some of Lead 21s members are NOW WORKING in the Bush Administration. These are going to be the big supporters the big donors to the Republican Party in five years time Bailey told The New York Times in an Aug. 31 2004 video interview during a Lead21 party at the Republican convention in New York.Wonder if my message there made some people nervious Furthermore the company has admitted to working with well over 300 reporters in Iraq. Perhaps a clue is found in Andrew Garfield who is no stranger to the news media and who in fact could be  classified as a pundit of all things which concern the military and the war on terrorists.  What I find odd is Andrew Garfields apparent involvements with Jihad Camp which is a learning center to teach American law enforcement how to think more like a terrorist…I find it interesting because this camp just happens to be on the grounds of the private security company that provided Bremmer with his security force while he was in charge over in Iraq. Is this the foot in the door that was used to give Lincoln Group such incredible access to various press sources in Iraq. Christian Bailey said Iraqex began handling PR work for private entities in sectors like manufacturing and finance within the country last year and has established close ties with 300400 members of the Iraqi media. This quote makes one wonder just how many stories were leaked and in just how many newspapers as well. This blog is not the only one that smells a rat in the Lincoln Group rise to stardom status within the beltway of Washington DC.  The Project on Government Oversight was quoted as saying Any time we see leaders who cultivate political influence for a particular party suddenly receive major government contracts it sends up red flags It is suggested that there are a lot of red flags and lots of explaining that is not forthcoming.  For instance Lincoln Group admits to having relationships with over 300 reporters in Iraq through their subsidiary Iragex which has since changed its name to that of its parent company Lincoln Group.  Are those relationships far more than that  In a press release Iraqex states they have OVER 300 EMPLOYEES in Iraq Iraqex benefits from strong relationships in Iraq the U.S. and internationally. In Iraq it has cultivated relationships with the Iraqi national government municipalities tribal leaders prominent families and the business community. Iraqex has a thriving network of offices from Basra in the South to Zakho in the North and employs over 300 Iraqis. In the U.S. Iraqex enjoys select relationships in Congress the Administration OPIC ExIm Bank and the U.S. Department of State. A theory of SUPER CONSPIRACY deepens when you see that Lincoln Group has listed as a sub contractor the Republican Power House and King maker BKSH and  Associates and organization presented a bipartisan but is actually a part of BursoMarstell supposedly worlds fifth largest PR firm which is run by world reknowned Republican strategist Charles R. Black Jr. who served both Ronald Reagan and the first President Bush as well as acting as a spokesperson for the Republican Party.  The firms LOBBYIST specialize in  the design and execution of  programs to help shape public policy. Cozy relationship in light of the purported purpose and scope of the Pentagons 100 Million dollar contract with Lincoln Group when you consider that BKSH brags about its ability to mount US panEuropean and transatlantic campaigns.   Odder still is the fact that The New Yorker back in February of 2004 reported that Black was considering opening up an office in Bahgdad…just months before Lincoln GroupIraqex got their first major contract over five million dollars in September of 2004.  Did they have inside information  His comments in the New Yorker seem rather amusing in hindsight as Black stated The problem in Iraq so far is its slow and very confusing for people to figure out how to do business there … One week you go to Baghdad and they say the decisions are being made at the Pentagon. banking services chronicle practice set

banking service chronicle pdf november 2019

 banking service chronicle pdf november 2019 

banking service chronicle pdf november 2019 published this article Then you go to the Pentagon and they say the decisions are being made in Baghdad. Only Halliburton is making money now he told New Yorker. Is there too much cronyism I just wish I could find the cronies Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.   In July 2005 ODwyers PR Daily Reported that Lincoln Group had retained the services of BKSH.  This was after Lincoln Group had been retained by the  United States Special Operations Command to wage psychological warfare on behalf of the Pentagon in Iraq and other hot spots. Wondering what OTHER HOT SPOTS and also wondering why it is today that the Pentagon cannot find any one to go up to the Hill to speak to Congress claiming they cannot find any one who knows anything about the leaked stories.  In yet another odd twist to this whole story BKSH claims they have experience in Iraq from work done for…are you ready for this….Ahmed Chalabi and his Iraqi National Congress. As they say this story keeps getting curiouser and curiouser. banking service chronicle pdf november 2019 banking services chronicle review Published this article page no   It was the major question on my mind. I was looking forward to putting the notion on the table. I wanted to canvass a representative cross section of folks who are members and organizers of the Free State Project <A target=blank><A> and live in the state of New Hampshire. I got the chance to see New Hampshire and mingle with the local FSPers on Friday August 5th at a barbeque thrown by Margot Keyes the FSP Welcome Wagon Coordinator. It was wonderful to find myself in the middle of a crowd that valued individual Freedom as much as I do. These are the kind of people who walk their talk. Theyve pull up their stakes packed up their families and moved across the country to live in a tiny little burg on the East Coast simply because they hunger to be...FREE Think about that for a minute  people in America are picking up and moving somewhere else because they want to be FREE I know that feeling well. Im one of those people that feel the chains of oppression quickly tightening around the throat of Lady Liberty. And I will be moving to New Hampshire in the spring of 2006. Im in the middle of shifting my livelihood from a militarygovernment based career to a private practice in transpersonal hypnosis. Ive been eager to see New Hampshire for a long time now. And in view of everything going on with the acceleration of draconian police powers in this country since 911 Ive been eager to corner the locals here and pop the question. This is what Ive wanted to know if terrorist nukes go off in this country the next 911 and the White House makes good on its new love affair with coasttocoast martial law  how will New Hampshire react Will the New Hampshire state legislature play ball Will they march lockstep with all the other state governments down the primrose path to the New World Order Or will they keep their cools Will they refuse to recognize the Feds authority to place New Hampshire under martial law Which way will this tiny rascally New England state sway Everybody I presented this scenario to didnt hesitate to offer their opinion on what the outcome of such an event would be. New Hampshire will tell the Federal Government to go pound sand. And that was music to my ears. The words freedom and America have become an oxymoron when combined together for no longer are the one synonymous with the other. Freedom is a buzzword politicians use to describe a cascading consolidation into collectivist tyranny that more resembles Orwellian doublespeak than accurate communication. I have spent the last 18 months living in Arlington Virginia and working in the Pentagon at the Army Operations Center in support of ONEOIFOEF. Ive spent my off time venturing into the District of Corruption to observe the national monuments take in the Smithsonian and quietly...keep an eye on the emerging Total Surveillance Society. Honestly I couldnt spit in any direction anywhere in this town and not hit some cop in a Darth Vader uniform toting an MP5 or a surveillance camera or both. I was sitting on the waterfront in Georgetown with friends I work with from Crisis Action Team 4 it was early on a Friday evening in June and the sky was literally swarming overhead with police helicopters  not Bell Jet Rangers no. These cops are flying military Blackhawk helicopters with POLICE in yellow lettering on the tail boom. The establishment we were at was a very popular gathering spot for the Beautiful People in D.C. There were several private yachts tied up to the pier the money and booze was flowing the women looked like extremely highpriced call girls or Hollywood actresses  there really isnt a difference anymore. They were all laughing and laying that plastic phony friendship act on each other and they were all completely oblivious to the obvious. There are surveillance cameras everywhere watching them. Military hardware was orbiting overhead manned by cops with gunners standing in the open doors. On the river extremely high powered speedboats with POLICE painted prominently on both sides of the hull race up and down the waterway with cops and machine guns eying everyone and everything like a target like raw meat. And these people on the waterfront in their trendy clothes and fake tans were partying. The Police State is no longer an event that might transpire in the near future. It is here now. banking services chronicle review

banking services chronicle september 2020

 banking services chronicle september 2020

banking services chronicle september 2020 published this article  The Rubicon has been crossed. America is no longer a free country. America is occupied. By cops and spies and corporate criminals getting rich off the sellout. And yet in the midst of this birthing of the United Police States of America surrounded on all sides by bastions of Leftist Commie Liberalism sits the tiny redheaded stepchild of the East Coast New Hampshire. I have been observing New Hampshire from afar ever since I joined up with the Free State Project as a member right after New Hampshire was chosen as the libertarian migration state of choice out of a ballot numbering 10 states. I was in Colorado at the time and Wyoming was the number two runner up in the vote. The libertarian writer and publisher known as Boston Tea Party Kenneth Royce was originally a strong endorser of the Free State Project before the membership put the state to migrate to to a vote. New Hampshire won out by 266 votes over second place holder Wyoming  Kenneth Royces ideal spot for libertarian migration. In the wake of New Hampshires win Royce became a venomous critic of the Free State Project its leadership and called into question its voting methods for determining a winner  insinuating that New Hampshire was always the target state of choice and that voting tallies were somehow rigged to guarantee a New Hampshire win. I have read Royces lengthy essay on why Wyoming is the better choice than New Hampshire for the Free State Project and was almost persuaded to see it his way. But then I realized that within the same time frame Royce was pushing his new novel about a Free State style revolution that used Wyoming as its base  New Hampshire had beat out Wyoming fair and square in a vote among libertarians. I monitor Royces Free State Wyoming page from time to time and nothing ever seems to change or update there. The home page now sports a new announcement for the month of August 2005. Prior to that the last update was some time in early 2004. There is no real news about the project on this page. No head counts. No organization per se  beyond that of the great founder of the movement itself Boston T. Party and of course his ever faithful web mistress Lady Liberty. The most pressing order of business at the FSW right now is admonishing visitors to buy a Free State Wyoming silver coin There are only 40 left And of course Molan Labe  the novel that started it all is now being considered with 12 other libertarian scifi novels for the Prometheus Award. This page is all about Boston T. Party. There is no movement beyond the fictional one in his novel. banking services chronicle september 2020

Monday, July 12, 2021

shine india magazine english

shine india magazine english

shine india magazine english  Published this article page no  We know from long experience that only collaborative divorce -- not old-style adversarial legal representation, and not a single mediator working with or without lawyers in the picture -- views divorce as a complex experience requiring advice and counsel from multiple perspectives if it is to be navigated well. Collaborative divorce prepares you to deal with the emotional challenges and changes associated with divorce and provides the resources that can best help you make a healthy transition from married to single.We know from long experience that only collaborative divorce -- not old-style adversarial legal representation, and not a single mediator working with or without lawyers in the picture -- views divorce as a complex experience requiring advice and counsel from multiple perspectives if it is to be navigated well. Collaborative divorce prepares you to deal with the emotional challenges and changes associated with divorce and provides the resources that can best help you make a healthy transition from married to single.Collaborative divorce builds in important protections for children, too. It informs you fully about how your children are experiencing the divorce and what they need to weather the big changes in their family structure without harm. It helps protect your future relationship with your spouse by informing both of you fully -- together, at the same time -- about the financial realities of your marriage and divorce in a way that eliminates pointless arguments about economic issues. It also teaches you and your spouse new ways of problem solving and conflict resolution so that you develop useful skills for addressing your differences more constructively in the future. Further, collaborative divorce.

Helps you clarify your individual and shared values and priorities

Helps you and your spouse reach maximum consensus

Includes complete advice about the law without using legal rights as the sole template for negotiation and resolution

Helps you and your spouse resolve serious differences creatively and without destructive conflict

Helps parents improve their ability to coparent after divorce

Builds in agreements about resolution of future differences after the divorce is over

Focuses not only on resolving past differences but also on planning for healthy responses to current challenges and on laying a strong foundation for the future after the divorce is over

Aims toward deep resolution, not shallow peace

Why You Do Not Want an "Old-Style Divorce"

We're confident that, like the people we work with every day, you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from the havoc that an old-style divorce can wreak in your lives. Let's summarize the facts you now know about old-style divorce:

It is based on the centuries-old belief that divorce is wrong and abnormal

It seeks to find fault and mete out punishment

It focuses on the past

It is premised on conflict

It is constrained by an arbitrary legal framework intended to resolve matters of right and wrong by the exchange of money

It aims at a deal, not deep resolution


It fails to take into account current understandings of how people are wired, what they need in times of change, what children need during and after divorce, and how families change and restructure What's more, we know that old-style divorce is bad for individuals, families, and communities because

It's expensive

It's hurtful and damaging

It's "one size fits all"

It deems irrelevant many common concerns that are extremely important to most people because judges can't issue enforceable orders about them

It focuses on the past

It encourages unrealistic expectations on the part of both spouses about what should happen in the divorce

It resolves disputes through competing predictions of what a judge would do rather than focusing on what you and your partner can agree on

It won't provide essential help to you or those you care about

The emotional and social costs are incalculable

Luckily, we live in an era when there is finally a better option -- one that can end a marriage without destroying a family or setting into motion negative effects that can bedevil family members for a lifetime.

Why Collaborative Divorce Works So Well

The reasons why collaborative divorce does such a good job of helping most people achieve their own "best divorce" are simple. Collaborative divorce addresses the financial and legal matters that must be resolved in any divorce, but it does so more effectively because it provides the built-in help of three professions, not just one. The design of collaborative divorce -- with its team of professionals, its systematic attention to values, its emphasis on healthy relationships, and its focus on the future -- takes into account the broad spectrum of what really matters to most people when their marriages end. It considers not only the two spouses but those around them who also matter to the divorcing couple and who will be both directly and indirectly affected by a good or a bad divorce: children, families, and even extended families, friends, and colleagues. It applies what we know about marriage and divorce from the realms of psychology, sociology, history, law, communication theory, conflict resolution theory, finance, and other realms in a very practical, useful, and concrete way.

Collaborative Divorce Deals With What People Actually Experience in DivorceUnlike any other divorce conflict resolution process that has come before, collaborative divorce teams make constant use of vital information about how people are "wired," how we think, how our emotions affect our ability to communicate effectively and to process information, how we experience pain and loss, how we recover from the end of a marriage, what our children are experiencing and what they need in the divorce, and what the needs of each member of the family after the divorce are likely to be. In this way, collaborative divorce offers constructive, comprehensive, multidisciplinary professional support that responds to the actual complexities of divorce as people experience it, rather than imposing an old-fashioned, limited institutional legal point of view as the sole perspective on a complex human experience.

Pauline H. Tesler, M.A., J.D., has been a specialist in family law certified by California State Bar Board of Legal Specialization since 1985. She is a fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband Peggy Thompson, Ph.D., has been a licensed psychologist specializing in families and children for thirty years. For the past fifteen years, she has been actively involved in the development and practice of collaborative divorce. Peggy lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband. Together they confounded the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals. shine india magazine english

shine india magazine english pdf

shine india magazine english pdf

shine india magazine english pdf  Published this article page no  Divorce is a major stress. Here are tips to navigate those troubled waters.What a gift you will give yourself and everyone around you if you are committed and willing to take extreme measures for self care during a divorce.  A divorce is a separation from a union and even the most straightforward, uncomplicated circumstances include unforeseen hiccups.There are plenty of chances to observe who you are in this stressful situation.  Healing comes to those who rather than blame life’s experiences, give thanks for the growth potential being offered.  I know this is a stretch to accept when you are in the midst of divorce, and I’d like you to trust that it is likely to be true for you.I made full use of the time during my second divorce to really pay attention to how I was feeling.  Even in my misery I looked for glimpses of clarity, wisdom, and understanding about what part I had played in the story.  It takes two to tango, so you will only benefit from learning more about yourself, seeing where you need to shore up your foundation, and taking action so that a next relationship will be fulfilling in ways that you want.  In order to face who you are, to get perspective, it is important to take very good care of yourself, especially during the divorce process.

1. Set up your own space.  If you can afford to have a separate living arrangement during your divorce proceedings and it does not interfere with legal requirements for the outcome you are hoping for, find a separate space.  If you are financially strapped, create a separate space in the dwelling you share and make it appealing.  Buy yourself flowers for the room, get new artwork for the wall, colorful throw cushions, new sheets and towels.

2. Eat healthy foods.  Divorce is a stress marathon - use extreme measures in your exercise and nutrition plans to remain healthy, or become healthy.

3. Get outside, walk, walk, walk or run or mosey or amble.  This will go a long way to soothing the jangled nerves you are likely to experience.

4. Bitch, moan, tear out your hair, cry, wail, take a breath and then repeat as often as necessary until you get tired of hearing yourself repeat the saga of your breakup and why you are right and your soon to be ex is all wrong.

5. Start a new career or hobby.  You will meet new people, engage your creativity and have a new outlet.

6. Understand that this experience will have an end and a new beginning.  Prepare to forgive yourself and your new ex and be willing to move on.

7. Evaluate your friendships and make whatever adjustments you feel are necessary.  Sometimes there is a need to make new friends and say goodbye to relationships that are fraught with unrepairable history.

8. Daydream about your next partner and relationship.  In order to be ready for a new and improved relationship, you need to know what you want and also need to see what parts of you need healing and nurturing.

9. Get reliable, recommended legal counsel.  Be prepared  for the process to take longer than you thought.  Save your energy.  You are not likely to speed up the process.

10. Understand that this experience may be an opportunity for growth and insight.  Be gentle with yourself, be prepared to make changes in your life and outlook.  Get ready for the adventure of discovering yourself. shine india magazine english pdf