competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Friday, June 25, 2021

competition in focus current magazine

 competition in focus current magazine

competition in focus current magazine Published this article  The size and complexity of the e-waste problem is growing at a much quicker rate than the efficacy of our strategies to contain it. This trend is not likely to reverse. One of the viable options to solve the problem is to reduce the generation of waste drastically. Whereas the policy advocates for greater awareness campaigns on the part of producers it has been sorely lacking in citizen engagement frameworks to encourage responsible consumption and possibly bring down consumption levels altogether. Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology Government of India initiated an e-waste awareness program under Digital India Mission in 2016 along with industry associations to create awareness among the public about the hazards of e-waste recycling by the unorganized sector and to educate them about alternate methods of disposing of their e-waste. Concerted efforts are important to generate a momentum of sustained efforts towards increasing disposal through formal channels and catalyzing sustainable consumption patterns. competition in focus current magazine

 competition in focus current magazine

Thursday, June 24, 2021

pratiyogita kiran app

 pratiyogita kiran app

pratiyogita kiran app Published this article  Therefore there is an urgent need to address such a bias and gender disparity at the earliest to ensuring health for all. Health for All also requires safe and clean environment avoiding of chemical fertilisers and pesticides as well as good hygiene (total sanitation) for all. On 2 October 2019 Indias more than 700 districts and about six lakh villages were declared open defecation free (ODF)- this is a grand achievement indeed but there is a need to sustain it. The trained six lakh volunteers (in interpersonalcommunication) are further required for solid and liquid waste management. U.P. govt named toilets Izzat ghar and it had positive impact. Further water should be conserved as a common good as it is a social economic and human right. About 80% of diseases are water-borne hence safe drinking water should get top priority. For sustainable water management the current economic system needs a paradigm shift and water sources should not be privatised as these are community resources for local people and their future generations-water for healthy life.

Further for mental health there is neither adequate consciousness among people nor adequate medical facilities in all parts of India. As per National Mental Health Survey (2016) life time prevalence of mental illness in India is 13.7% with over 15 crore patients needing active intervention only 49% have a mental health facility within 25 km radius and 26% people have no mental health facility within 50 km radius 59% people have no de-addiction service 80% people have no health insurance and 28% of global suicides occur in India. In Bihar there has been a rise of 30% in mental disorder cases during 2012-2019. In 2019 Koelwar (Bhojpur district) mental hospital registered more than 50000 mental cases. Despite recovery of many mental patients their families are not taking them back. pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine. pratiyogita kiran app

pratiyogita kiran app

Thursday, June 17, 2021

pratiyogita darpan app

  pratiyogita darpan app


pratiyogita darpan app  Published this articles page no  197  In n o v a t i o n p l a y s a critical role in shaping the industrial and firm competitiveness of any nation. It has often been discussed in the context of developed countries but the rise of emerging economies such as India has generated a new interest in innovation in the context of developing economies. Undoubtedly Small and Medium Enterprises play a highly significant role in Indias developing economy. They contribute to economic growth employment reduction of poverty and thus aptly are considered as the engines of growth. Apart from this Entrepreneurship and Innovation activities enhance competition and productivity growth as well. In addition SMEs are more productive because they are more flexible and can adapt to the changes in the market. Given the paramountcy of the sector it is critical to ensure that our SMEs remain competitive both nationally and globally. Indian SMEs face a formidable challenge in this regard. The updation of GOI Science Technology and Innovation Policy 2013 provided a big impetus to build an innovation ecosystem and to enhance the role of the private sector to do the same. pratiyogita darpan app


pratiyogita darpan app

Friday, June 11, 2021

competition wizard magazine pdf free download

 competition wizard magazine pdf free download

 competition wizard magazine pdf free download Publish this articles page no  Making water everybody business is the only way ahead.  The Governments Har Ghar Jal mission has recognised the fundamental flaw in water· infrastructure projects and therefore has stressed on sustainability as a key objective.  This requires focusing on improving the durability of the water asset that is created — it means· ensuring that the pond or lake or tank is not encroached and that the watershed is not destroyed.  The problem lies in the fact that land and water bureaucracies are fractured — somebody owns· the pond another agency the drain and yet another the catchment.  Water security requires this to change. This means giving much greater control over the water· structures to the local community is then the answer to water management. VAJIRAM AND RAVI Yojana Summary-April 2021 Page 5 Conclusion Our water future is about our water wisdom and in this we must recognise that water and culture go together. Water shortage is not about the mere failure of rain. It is about the failure of society to live and share its water endowment. USHERING A SOCIAL REVOLUTION Until August 15 2019 only 3.23 Crore rural households out of a total 19.18 Crore households had piped water connections. Water and Gender  Women and girls in India spend a considerable time up to 352 minutes/day performing domestic· chores.Collecting drinking water for their families constitutes a major part of it.  competition wizard magazine pdf free download


competition wizard magazine pdf free download

competition wizard magazine 2021 pdf

 competition wizard magazine 2021 pdf


competition wizard magazine 2021 pdf Publish this articles page no  But again policy evolved as it  learned that augmenting water supply was only one part of the challenge. Other challenges were – long distance source pumping and piping led to discharge loss electricity consumption etc.  It made the available water expensive and more inequitable. As water supply dried up people turned to groundwater and without recharge meant declining water levels. water supply was linked to pollution — the more the water supplied the more is wastewater generation. This without adequate treatment leads to pollution of rivers.  Later research revealed that the bulk of urban residents depend on on-site sewage disposal· systems as they are not connected to the underground sewerage network.  In all this new solutions emerged — if the affordable water supply was critical then cities needed· to cut the length of their distribution pipelines.  If cities needed to ensure affordable sanitation for all and affordable treatment of wastewater onsite systems could be re-engineered so that waste was collected from each household transported· and treated.  We have learned that if this urban-industrial wastewater is treated for reusethen water is not· lost. More importantly our rivers will not be lost.  The Indian experience shows the world how water management can be reinvented so that it is· affordable and sustainable it puts water in the hands of communities and focused on decentralised recharge and reuse. competition wizard magazine 2021 pdf


competition wizard magazine 2021 pdf

bsc magazine pdf telegram

 bsc magazine pdf telegram

bsc magazine pdf telegram Publish this articles page no  Steps Taken by Railways - Introduced Water vending machines at Railway stations Jaldoot water trains were sent to drought-hit areas of Maharashtra.  New Water policy launched for the restoration of water bodies establishing water recycling plants  rainwater harvesting efficient water usage automatic coach washing plants etc.  on the occasion of the 72ndRepublic Day the govt. launched a nationwide movement named Nisarg Raksha on Environmental conservation and Water Rejuvenation. It aims to train 1 million NisargaRakshaks - One volunteer for every village.  Government is creating a forum named Nature Protector forum at the National and state level to monitor this project implementation. bsc magazine pdf telegram


bsc magazine pdf telegram