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Thursday, May 27, 2021

arihant current affairs monthly magazine

 arihant current affairs monthly magazine

 arihant current affairs monthly magazine Published this articles page no110 under the pillar of Inclusive Development for Aspirational India Agriculture and Allied sectors farmers welfare and rural India migrant workers and labour and financial inclusion were predominantly covered with a slew of measures. arihant current affairs monthly magazine


arihant current affairs monthly magazine

Sunday, May 23, 2021

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 competition in focus magazine buy online

competition in focus magazine buy online Published this articles page no 118 The Fifteenth Finance Commission in its final report recommended this devolution to beat 41 per cent. This will maintain the predictability and stability of resources especially during the pandemic. This vertical devolution is in line with the recommended share in our first report as well as with the devolution of the FC-XIV. As compared to FC-XIV this Commission has only made the required adjustment of about 1 per cent due to the changed status of the erstwhile State of Jammu and Kashmir into the new Union Territories of Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir as the resources for these Union territories will now be provided by the Union government. This level of vertical transfers will allow appropriate fiscal space for the Union as well to meet its demands as well as maintain an adequate level of unconditional resources to the States. competition in focus magazine buy online

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shine india magazine subscription

 shine india magazine subscription

 shine india magazine subscription  published this article no 120 It may be noted that all Finance Commissions since sixth one used the population data of the 1971 Census as per their ToR while recommending their awards. Fifteenth Finance Commission was mandated by its ToR to use the population data of the most recent Census after four decades. This had issue of seriously changing the resource allocation to few States which may have rocked the boat beyond repair for some of them. shine india magazine subscription

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shine india magazine subscription

 shine india magazine subscription

 shine india magazine subscription Published this articles page no 122 Nevertheless the allocations to States have been fairly equitable as shown in Chart-1. The chart depicting twenty States show that we recommended relatively higher per capita tax devolution to States with lower per capita income. This clarifies that the overall allocation to States as recommended by the Commission is progressive. shine india magazine subscription


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Saturday, May 22, 2021

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 competition success review subscription coupon code Published this articles page no 111 The gross GST revenue collected in March 2021 is at a record of Rs. 123902 crore of which CGST is Rs. 22973 crore SGST is Rs. 29329 crore IGST is Rs. 62842 crore (including Rs. 31097 crores collected on import of goods) and Cess is Rs. 8757 crore (including Rs. 935 crores collected on import of goods). The government has settled Rs. 21879 crores to CGST and Rs. 17230 crores to SGST from IGST as a regular settlement. In addition the Centre has also settled Rs. 28000 crores as IGST ad-hoc settlement in the ratio of 5050 between Centre and States/UTs. The total revenue of Centre and the States after regular and ad-hoc settlements in March 2021 is Rs. 58852 crore for CGST and Rs. 60559 crore for the SGST. The Centre has also released a compensation of Rs. 30000 crore during March 2021. The GST revenues during March 2021 are the highest since the introduction of GST. In line with the trend of recovery in the GST revenues over the past five months the revenues in March 2021 are 27% higher than the GST revenues in the same month last year. During the month revenues from import of goods were 70% higher and the revenues from the domestic transaction (including import of services) are 17% higher than the revenues from these sources during the same month last year. The GST revenue witnessed a growth rate of (-) 41% (-) 8% 8% and 14% in the first second third and fourth quarters of this financial year respectively as compared to the same period last year clearly indicating the trend in the recovery of GST revenues as well as the economy as a whole. GST revenues crossed above Rs. 1 lakh crore mark at a stretch for the last six months and a steep increasing trend over this period are clear indicators of rapid economic recovery post-pandemic. Closer monitoring against fake-billing deep data analytics using data from multiple sources including GST Income-tax and Customs IT systems and effective tax administration have also contributed to the steady increase in tax revenue over the last few months. The chart below shows trends in monthly gross GST revenues during the current year. The table shows the state-wise figures of GST collected in each State during the month of March 2021 as compared to March 2020. competition success review subscription coupon code

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competition success review subscription coupon code Published this articles page no 110 The initiative One Nation One Ration Card allows all NFSA beneficiaries particularly migrant beneficiaries to claim either full or part foodgrains from any Fair Price Shop (FPS) in the country through the existing ration card in a seamless manner. Mera Ration Mobile App will benefit especially those ration card holders who move to new areas for livelihoods. The system which was started initially in 4 States in August 2019 has been swiftly rolled out in a very short period in 32 States/UTs by December 2020 and the integration of the remaining 4 States/UT (Assam Chhattisgarh Delhi and West Bengal) is expected to be completed in next few months. At present the system covers nearly 69 Crore NFSA beneficiaries (about 86% NFSA population) in the country and a monthly average of about 1.5~1.6 Crore portability transactions are being recorded under the One Nation One Ration Card (ONORC). ONORC has proved to be a tremendous value-added service to each NFSA beneficiary during the Covid-19 pandemic particularly migrants which allowed them to avail the benefit of subsidised foodgrains with flexibility from any location wherever they were during the lockdown/ crisis period. The freedom of choosing any FPS was not available earlier. During the period April 2020 to Feb 2021 a total of about 15.4 Crore portability transactions have been recorded under ONORC. The ONORC scheme is being implemented by the Department for the nation-wide portability of ration cards under National Food Security Act (NFSA). This system allows all NFSA beneficiaries particularly migrant beneficiaries to claim either full or part foodgrains from any Fair Price Shop (FPS) in the country through existing ration card with biometric/Aadhaar authentication in a seamless manner. The system also allows their family members back home if any to claim the balance foodgrains on same the ration card. Competition success review subscription coupon code


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 Competition success review subscription coupon code

 competition success review subscription coupon code Published this articles page no 109  The Government intervention in India has become apparent because of the exponential rise in demand for wireless communication given radio frequencies a scarce commodity the underneath conflicts in spectrum management and their efficiency of use. For example aggressive bidding in India during auctions (in 2010 2012 and 2015) led to major increases in spectrum prices. The average holding of the spectrum of Indian operators was 31 MHz as compared to the global average of 50 MHz in 2017. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) in August 2018 highlighted its recommendations on the auction of spectrum across several bands including two bands yet to be auctioned in India i.e. 3300 - 3400 MHz and 3400 - 3600 MHz. These bands are likely to emerge as the primary band for 5G services. Spectrum pricing is an invaluable tool to promote efficiency. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) proposes four different approaches for the valuation of the spectrum. They are 1. Price from previous auctions duly indexed 2. Estimation based on producer surplus 3. A production function approach and 4. A revenue surplus approach. TRAI also uses a multivariate regression method in addition to these approaches. There are often disputes between the state and the operators in allocating and managing spectrums in India. However India has been following a quasi-property rights regime to avoid the subjective administrative management to a market-based mechanism. competition success review subscription coupon code


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Tuesday, May 11, 2021

csr general knowledge today

 csr general knowledge today

csr general knowledge today Published this articles page no 513

Universal Bank Licensing Policy In-principle approvals were given to two new applicants namely IDFC Limited and Bandhan Financial Services Private Limited on April 2 2014 to set up banks under the Guidelines on Licensing of New Banks in the Private Sector issued on February 22 2013. The Reserve Bank intends to use the learning from this licensing exercise to revise the guidelines appropriately and move to give licences more regularly that is virtually on tap. The Reserve Bank is working on the guidelines for continuous authorisation of universal banks.csr general knowledge today

csr general knowledge today

 csr general knowledge today

csr general knowledge today Published this articles page no 512

Implementation strategy would be based on intense monitoring and Convergence Action Plan right upto the grass root level. NNM will be rolled out in three phases from 2017-18 to 2019-20. NNM targets to reduce stunting. under-nutrition anemia (among young children women and adolescent girls) and reduce low birth weight by 2 per cent. 2 per cent 3 per cent and 2 per cent per annum respectively. Although the target to reduce Stunting is atleast 2 per cent p.a. Mission would strive to achieve reduction in Stunting from 38.4 per cent (NFHS-4) to 25 per cent by 2022 adoption of prudential norms based on international best practices.csr general knowledge today

csr general knowledge today

 csr general knowledge today

csr general knowledge today Published this articles page no 511 An amount of Rs. 9046.17 crore will be expended for three years commencing from 2017-18. This will be funded by Government Budgetary Supped (50 per cent) and 50 per cent by IBRD or other MDB. Government budgetary support would be 6040 between Centre and States/UTs 9010 for NER and Himalayan States and 100 per cent for UTs without legislature. Total Government of India share over a period of three years would be Rs. 2849.54 crore.csr general knowledge today

Saturday, May 8, 2021

pratiyogita kiran

pratiyogita kiran

pratiyogita kiran published this article page no 34 however even this is not allowed once the nclt has accepted an insolvency petition. it means that none of the promoters or their associates can buy the stressed assets of the 12 large debt accounts mentioned above pratiyogita kiran book buy.

pratiyogita kiran english magazine

pratiyogita kiran english magazine

pratiyogita kiran english magazine published this article page no 33 the wordings of the ordinance meant that it prohibits promoters or sister concerns of companies with non-performing assets of more than a year from bidding for these companies. this theoretically does not debar promoters per se since they could pay the principal and interest overdue and make the assets standard before a year is completed pratiyogita kiran English buy.

pratiyogita kiran english

pratiyogita kiran english

Pratiyogita kiran English by kiran prakashan delhi published this article page no 32 however issues on promoters bidding still remained unclear. as such the government came out with an ordinance amending ibc by not only debarring willful defaulters dubious promoters but promoters or sister concerns of those companies whose insolvency cases have been admitted by nclt. the ordinance added section 29a to the code to this effect pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine free download.